Stefania Maggini
Philosophical Practitioner
Is the current criticality of external events pushing you more and more towards
a personal change in relationships, at work and in your everyday life?
Do you wish to clarify what you really want and / or do not want to continue, finish or start doing?
Would you like to dialogue (in English or in Italian) with an attentive, neutral person professionally prepared for active listening,
who can effectively help you to face decisions, contingencies and difficulties with greater freedom of choice and clarity?
My long educational experience and academic qualifications will allow you to receive personal care and full attention.
I hold an MFA in Coaching and Training from the University of London,
an MA in Philosophical Counseling from the Pontifical University of Rome
and a BA in Performing Arts from the University of Bologna.
Italian Research Center for Philosophical Inquiry – Advancement of Philosophy for Children –
Sophia European Foundation for the Advancement of Doing Philosophy with Children
Certified Teacher of Philosophy for Children/Community P4C.
Also, being a specialist in the appreciation of the Divine Comedy,
I relate to Dante’s transcendental and spiritual journey as to an existential source of meaning and inspiration.
“If you follow your star, you cannot fail at glorious port.”
Dante Inf . XVI, 55-56
They say about my Philosophical Practice:
I feel that next to you, Stefania, we can safely walk even the darkest paths of the nights of life, so that the next day is dawn,
and then dawn again.
What can I say about Stefania? After all, only one word would be enough: delicacy. But here others immediately come to mind: sweetness, sensitivity, attention, curiosity, enthusiasm. In the few days in which I got to know her, all these words came to life in her for me. It is rare for a person to make their mark in such a short time. Equally rare is that a person is able to express his qualities in all circumstances. I feel I can say both things about Stefania. The delicacy, a slender and light elegance, the great sweetness and sensitivity are for her a constant habitus, not just a facade or a parenthesis; they characterize it deeply, they are its essential way of entering into relationship with the other. Never, not even once, despite being an extremely shy person, Stefania made me feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, even as soon as I met. One does not meet every day a woman of such rare delicacy, so light and sensitive, so capable of listening, never intrusive and genuinely interested in everything that the encounter with the other can offer her. Many other things could be said about Stefania, but basically too many words are useless: it is enough to know her just a little to realize how special she is. A true artist. A sweet and pure soul. A soul with whom it is easy and beautiful to open up to a profound and sincere dialogue.
It was my pleasure to have Stefania help me in my grief process after having to relocate from a place where I was really attached to, moving to a new country, it felt like a big loss and an enormous challenge for me. It was during the beginning of year 2022, I was feeling really hopeless and depressed. Stefania, as a friend whom I knew for a couple of years, she presented her services to me. She naturally possesses the emotional intelligence which hears and understands my challenges, which has been very soothing for me. At the same time, I felt that I was guided with a trained mind and a method, which proved to be an effective way to regenerate oneself, by following the natural cycle of how we operate on the planet earth, as we go through birth, growth, decay and rebirth (regeneration) in different stages of our lives. I strongly recommend anyone who is looking to understand their stages in life and wish to find their strength, beauty and potential in oneself. Stefania will be the right person to assist you and enlighten you in this journey.
I had the pleasure of meeting Stefania Maggini during the master in philosophical counseling and existential anthropology. We soon got in tune, for her delicate approach, kindness and ability to create empathy with people. Always very curious and open to in-depth dialogue, qualities that in my opinion an interlocutor in existential counseling cannot do without.
What a pleasure, what a privilege to meet you, dear Stefania! I found a creature truly available to listen, in love with life, people, beauty and always ready to share, to confront, to offer alternative paths, other, new, original perspectives, continuously identified by a ductile and brilliant intelligence but at the same time affectionate, welcoming, never shouted. I feel in you a real concern for the well-being of the other and the ability, as a fine artist as you are, enchanted by the shapes, words, sounds, colors, to offer a real answer to the doubts through beauty and harmony. of those who turn to you. You are a person who remains in the heart of those who meet you!
L’attuale criticità degli eventi esterni, ti sta spingendo sempre di più verso
un personale cambiamento nei rapporti, nel lavoro e nella tua vita di tutti i giorni?
Desideri chiarirti su cosa veramente vuoi e/o non vuoi continuare, terminare o iniziare a fare?
Vorresti poterne parlare con una persona attenta, neutrale e preparata all’ascolto attivo,
che possa aiutarti fattivamente a fare il punto della situazione?
Vorresti dialogare insieme per meglio chiarire e potenziare le tue doti e necessità di vita?
Per affrontare insieme decisioni, imprevisti e difficoltà con maggiore libertà di scelta?
La mia lunga esperienza educativa e le mie qualifiche accademiche,
ti consentiranno di ricevere dedicata cura personale e piena attenzione.
MFA in Actor Training and Coaching presso l’Università di Londra;
MA in Consulenza Filosofica e Antropologia Esistenziale presso l’Ateneo Pontificio e l’Università Europea di Roma;
Laurea Cum Laude presso il Dipartimento di Arte e Spettacolo dell’Università di Bologna.
Centro Italiano di Ricerca e Indagine Filosofica – Advancement of Philosophy for Children –
Sophia European Foundation for the Advancement of Doing Philosophy with Children
Certified Teacher of Philosophy for Children/Community P4C.
Inoltre, essendo uno specialista nell’apprezzamento della Divina Commedia,
mi riferisco al viaggio trascendentale e spirituale di Dante come a una fonte esistenziale di significato e ispirazione.
“Se tu segui la tua stella, non puoi fallire a glorioso porto.”
Dante Inf. XVI, 55-56
Della mia Pratica Filosofica, dicono:
Sento che accanto a te, Stefania, possiamo percorrere sicuri anche i sentieri più bui delle notti della vita,
perché l’indomani sia l’alba, e poi ancora l’alba.
Cosa posso dire di Stefania? In fondo, basterebbe una sola parola: delicatezza. Ma ecco che altre subito me ne vengono in mente: dolcezza, sensibilità, attenzione, curiosità, entusiasmo. Nei giorni in cui ho avuto modo di conoscerla tutte queste parole per me hanno preso vita in lei. È raro che una persona possa lasciare il segno in così poco tempo. Altrettanto raro è che una persona riesca a esprimere le sue qualità in ogni circostanza. Di Stefania mi sento di poter dire entrambe le cose. La delicatezza, un’eleganza esile e lieve, la grande dolcezza e la sensibilità sono per lei un habitus costante, non solo una facciata o una parentesi; la caratterizzano a fondo, sono il suo modo essenziale di entrare in relazione con l’altro. Mai, nemmeno una volta, nonostante io sia una persona estremamente timida, Stefania mi ha fatto sentire a disagio o in imbarazzo, anche appena conosciuti. Non si incontra tutti i giorni una donna di così rara delicatezza, così leggera e sensibile, così capace di ascolto, mai invadente e sinceramente interessata a tutto ciò che l’incontro con l’altro le può offrire. Si potrebbero dire molte altre cose su Stefania, ma in fondo troppe parole sono inutili: basta conoscerla appena un poco per rendersi conto di quanto sia una persona speciale. Una vera artista. Un’anima dolce e pura. Un’anima con cui è facile e bello aprirsi a un dialogo profondo e sincero.
Hello, it was my pleasure to have Stefania help me in my grief process after having to relocate from a place where I was really attached to, moving to a new country, it felt like a big loss and an enormous challenge for me. It was during the beginning of year 2022, I was feeling really hopeless and depressed. Stefania, as a friend whom I knew for a couple of years, she presented her services to me. She naturally possesses the emotional intelligence which hears and understands my challenges, which has been very soothing for me. At the same time, I felt that I was guided with a trained mind and a method, which proved to be an effective way to regenerate oneself, by following the natural cycle of how we operate on the planet earth, as we go through birth, growth, decay and rebirth (regeneration) in different stages of our lives. I strongly recommend anyone who is looking to understand their stages in life and wish to find their strength, beauty and potential in oneself. Stefania will be the right person to assist you and enlighten you in this journey.
Ho avuto il piacere di conoscere Stefania Maggini durante il master in consulenza filosofica e antropologia esistenziale. Siamo presto entrati in sintonia, per il suo approccio delicato, la gentilezza e la capacità di creare empatia con le persone. Sempre molto curiosa e aperta al dialogo in profondità, doti di cui a mio avviso un interlocutore in counselling esistenziale non può fare a meno.
Che piacere, che privilegio conoscerti, cara Stefania! Ho trovato una creatura davvero disponibile all’ascolto , innamorata della vita, delle persone, della bellezza e sempre pronta a condividere, a confrontarsi, a offrire percorsi alternativi, prospettive altre, nuove, originali, continuamente individuate da una intelligenza duttile e brillante ma al tempo stesso affettuosa, accogliente, mai urlata. Io sento in te una preoccupazione reale per il benessere dell’altro e la capacità, da fine artista quale sei, incantata dalle forme, dalle parole, dai suoni, dai colori, di offrire attraverso la bellezza e l’armonia una risposta reale ai dubbi di chi si rivolge a te. Sei una persona che resta nel cuore di chi ti incontra!