Currently we have 0 provider(s) online | 0 available | 0 in the hiring process | 0 in session.

About This Service

You must be at least 18 to use this service! 

There are three options for using this service:

Option 1: Chat with a philosopher now

Option 2: Ask for more philosophers to be available online within minutes

Option 3: Schedule an appointment with a philosopher of your choice

Each option is explained below.

Option 1. Chat with a philosopher now, in 3 easy steps:
Step 1: Philosophers available for chat now are displayed on the main chat page, as follows. You’ll see a green tag that says “Available”

You can see the languages they speak, and their rates for 30 minutes and 60 minutes. All rates are displayed in US dollars.
To hire a philosopher, click the camera icon.  

Step 2:  You’ll be asked to agree with our terms and conditions. Check the box, then click the 30 minute or the 60 minute button.

Step 3: You’ll be taken to the payment page. APPA accepts major credits cards and Paypal. When you submit your payment, you’ll see:

Now you’ll meet with your chosen philosopher in a secure private video chat room.

Option 2. Ask for more philosophers to be available online within minutes

If there are no philosophers available online, or if the philosophers online are being hired by someone else (yellow tag) or are in session (red tag),
you’ll see a black button that says “Ask for more providers to be online”

Click that black button. It will send an email asking philosophers to go online. Wait a few minutes, refresh your browser, or check back in a few minutes to see who has become available.

Option 3. Schedule an appointment with a philosopher of your choice

Click on the button at the top right that says “Meet Our Philosophers”.
You will see thumbnails of the whole team. Click on any thumbnail to view that philosopher’s in-depth profile, and contact them to schedule a chat.

Questions or problems? Contact us